Friday, April 30, 2010

I've Been Thinking

Mostly, I've been thinking about what I want to knit next. After Girasole, yes, only two days ago, I finished my Cashmere Cowl.


It's so soft and beautiful! I can't wait to wear it once summer's over.

Now, I am finishing the Spring Forward socks I started in December of '09. I'm working on these for a friend. One sock is complete and I'm working the leg of the second sock. Wow, I'm such a snore today.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A New Blanket

I DID IT. I knit a Girasole!! I can't even describe how happy this makes me. I have never, in my life, knit something that was this complicated and that took so long to complete. When I say complicated, I don't actually mean it, either. This pattern is so clearly written that the only mistakes I made were out of my own stupidity. I only THOUGHT it would be complicated.

Knitters, if you love the look of this blanket, and long to have one sitting on the back of your couch, or draped over your bed, KNIT IT. It can be done! I'm so not kidding. I thought I would, for sure, make some unfixable mistake or get stuck on the pattern and never finish it. I did finish it, and you can too!!


Please excuse the unwoven ends and my blue carpet. We need hardwood floors. Bad.


This picture shows the pattern nicely, but does not correctly reflect the color.


This shows the color perfectly! What to do next? Besides weave in those ends, I mean! I think I should finish the two WIPs I have on my project page on Ravelry. Yes, I should finish them. But will I?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring Girasole

It's a beautiful Friday morning. I just went outside and cut some of our Azaleas back, got out the old mason jars and made vases:


It's been a busy month and a half. I HAVE been knitting, though! I am still working on Girasole. All in all, this is a very easy knit. So far, my only obstacle has been the cast on, which I figured out using this video:

Seriously, this video is THE reason I am knitting this blanket. The other methods just didn't click.

Does anyone else find it strange that I am knitting a blanket just when the weather starts hitting the 80s? I do! But I really want to finish it. I still have quite a while to go, and 640 stitches per row. I've made a couple of "stupid" mistakes, but I've managed to get myself out of each one(so far). When I finish this, it will be my biggest knitting accomplishment thus far. Literally. BIGGEST. Here's a pic of my progress, albeit squished.


I'm actually a little bit further at this point. After this is done, I already want to knit the Hemlock Ring Blanket. There's about half the yardage needed for this little lap blanket. So want to knit it! Anyway, off to walk the dog! Enjoy this beautiful day!